
  • Ethan started improvising in 2005, and is still a performer today with the Colorado Springs improv team, The Stick Horses. In addition to performing, Ethan served as one of the directors for Play On Comedy, a children's theater company based out of Chicago. He has also worked for Chicago Improv Productions, helping to produce the College Improv Tournament, Chicago Improv Festival, and the Chicago Improv League. Ethan is thrilled to be the Program Director for the Peak Improv Theater, and believes strongly in the mission of the venue, which is to bring opportunities to local artists, and high quality performance art and education to the community. Ethan has over a decade of experience as a teacher and improv coach, working with students of all ages. Ethans teaching philosophy is a simple one, “anyone can improvise, and everyone should.”

  • Casey “My name almost rhymes” Frase is a five-year-old child stuck inside a man’s body. If you ever saw his sweet Marvel denim jacket, you’d completely understand what I mean. To add to my growing list of evidence, Casey enjoys Saturday morning cartoons (are those really still a thing? Because there’s a bunch of networks that play cartoons 24/7) and owns a delightfully tiny dog named Whoopi Goldberg. Through extensive research, Casey has determined that high-fives are not nearly as cool as low-fives. In his free time, when he’s not waiting specifically on Saturday mornings for cartoons to come on, Casey enjoys reading comic books. Or is it graphic novels? No, we’ll stick with comic books, because that just fits this guy’s personality way better. To end his bio, Casey would like to leave you with a touching story: A snail goes to buy a car and says to the dealer, “I want that car with a big ‘S’ painted on the roof.” The dealer asks why, and the snail responds, “Because I want people to look at my car and say, ‘Look at that S car go!”

    Get it? Escargot?


  • Janine “Number Name” Lee.

  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame" is this man's motto. Fluency in Leet-speak, Esperanto, and Klingon are just some of the skills he has fibbed about having. Dubbed by some as the King of Dad Jokes, this guy (sometimes seen wearing a dad joke shirt) loves him some puns and word-play. An erstwhile musician, Josué re-discovered his love for the stage in recent years, mainly so he can publicly yell things like, "Huzzah!". If you enjoy manipulating people, you can make Josh smile any time you want by saying things like "Middle Earth", "42", "Jesus", "MST3K", "Fried Chicken", "Leeloo Dallas Multipass!", "Weird Al", or "scrumdiddlyumptious".

  • Meggan discovered her desperate need for approval at a young age. Despite pleadings from her parents to do something productive with her life, she went on to “earn” a degree in theater from Biola University in SoCal. Meggan’s greatest acting achievement was convincing her perfect husband she was marriage material. They have two spawn. Meggan enjoys making up songs and performing them for anyone who will listen. She also loves dark chocolate, swimming in warm ocean water, and teaching improv to adults and homeschooling students.

  • Corrina "just took it there" Litt, AKA Corn, AKA Stick Horses' Token Redhead can be found anywhere in Colorado Springs by just listening for the sound of her infectious laugh. She is a Colorado Native who began her improv journey in 2010. Corrina is a classically trained turned improvisational-by-trade musician, who can whip out a tune on the piano and most stringed instruments. When she's not on stage laughing at herself and her horsey co-horts, Corrina can be found discovering local food and drink spots around the Springs, hiking, skiing, or boldly being bad at other sports. Aerospace engineer by day and entertainer by night, Corrina loves to bring smiles and joy to the community in everything she does.

  • Bio